Maja Mommert – Business theater & acting, corporate theater

Actress and moderator for corporate theater

Maja Mommert effortlessly and credibly assumes the most diverse roles: demanding superior, highly motivated applicant, stressed department head, disappointed customer…

As a seminar actress or in forum theater, she acts in staff discussions, negotiation seminars and assessment centers. Her “walk-about acts” bring people together in scenarios ranging from the friendly flight attendant to the absent-minded professor.

Maja is strongly networked in the world of corporate theater and works with screenwriters, consultants and trainers as needed.

Hut und Schuhe Businesstheater & Schauspiel

Your benefit:

  • Professional work approach and many years of experience in business theater and the business arena.
  • Maja’s spectrum ranges from pure entertainment to accompanying change processes.


“If you ever quit acting, why don’t you come work for us?”
A customer