Maja Mommert – Trainings, workshops, coaching – The method: Applied improvisation

Applied improvisation

Maja’s work as an actress and moderator as well as a coach and trainer is based on the general principles of improvisation.

When used in everyday job and private situations, these principles can make communication and interactions considerably easier. They are wonderfully suited as a positive and affirming life philosophy. During improvisation – no matter whether it’s music or theater – these principles are actively practiced and emotionally experienced.

Applied improvisation probes the application of these principles in various areas – in the creative process, in social work, as a functional principle in companies and in any other interpersonal relationship.

Maja Mommert is an active member of the AIN – Applied Improvisation Network and maintains a lively exchange with international experts in the field of applied improvisation.

Hut und Schuhe Business theater & acting
“If you can’t make any mistakes, it is hard to do something right.”
Mario Bellini

Principles of Applied Improvisation

  • Yes, and…

This positive basic attitude of applied improvisation sums it all up: Accept what your partner, life or your environment gives you at any moment. Accept what is. Say, ‘Yes, and…’ and see where you can go from there.

  • Be present here & now!

Everything is created in the moment. Be alert and focus on what you are doing right now, on your partner, on your emotions and thoughts at this moment and on the current situation. Do not plan ahead and do not grieve about an idea or reality that is no longer current.

  • Make your partner look good!

Assume your partner’s goodwill. Accept his ideas and thoughts and appreciate him. At the start, nobody knows where your joint travels will lead you. The joy about jointly finding and developing a solution takes center stage. It works better in a team.

  • Love your mistakes!

There is no “right” or “wrong”. Each idea is a good idea at first and will be accepted with a cheerful “Yes, exactly!” Especially so-called “mistakes” often result in surprising pathways and possibilities. If it turns out to be a real “mistake” after all, accept it and learn from it how to do better next time.

  • Dare to take a risk! Enjoy failure!

Getting stuck is no big deal. A speechless moment, a stutter or getting stuck some other way is part of improvisation, because the mind is constantly challenged by new, tricky tasks and is overtaxed on purpose. We will take the drama out of these small hang-ups and the important teaching that “Nobody’s perfect” will be explicitly remembered.